Senator Manchin Support of Medicare Advantage Helps Retired Teachers and other Senior Citizens

In today’s age of hyper-partisanship, when many elected officials vote along party lines, there are still leaders like Senator Joe Manchin, who has proven to be an exception to the rule, focusing on the issues affecting constituents in his state.

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When our leaders in D.C. accomplish something bipartisan that helps people, it is worth talking about. Earlier this year, Sen. Shelley Moore Capito led a group of 60 of her colleagues to sign a letter in support of Medicare Advantage.

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Message from the President

I am truly honored to serve as President of the West Virginia Association of Retired School Employees. I promise to do my best to make our association one you will be proud to be a member of.

I have set several goals that I hope to achieve during my two-year term. Setting goals can help us stay motivated, guide us and give our association direction. These goals can only be accomplished with your help and support.

My goals for 2022-2024 are:

  1. Increase membership
    WVARSE Membership Chair, Mary Ann Ferris, will lead us in this endeavor. The more voices we have, the louder our voice. You can help by getting a friend to join.
  1. Help struggling counties to become active again which will also increase membership.
  2. Secure an increase in pensions for all retired school employees.
  3. Actively work with AARP and WV Legislators to achieve the Legislative Goals adopted by Annual Council.
  4. Listen to WVARSE members to address their wants and concerns.

I encourage members to work with your county and state officers. Please attend meetings of both, step up when asked, form friends and gain a wealth of knowledge. I look forward to meeting all local county associations and making new friends over the next two years.

All of us working together can make great thing happen!

WVARSE’s Motto: “To Serve, Not To Be Served”. Let’s practice that!

Charmel Radcliff, WVARSE president

Keep in contact with your legislators!


Ask them to support our pension bill for those retired 20+ years by giving $2/mo for a year of service!

Contact your Delegates and Senators and share our goals with them. Contact members of the Finance and Pensions Committees and ask them to support our bills in committee.


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Join Us!


The West Virginia Association of Retired School Employees (WVARSE) keeps members informed and sponsors member events. Take the first step and get involved by joining the WVARSE.

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Benefits To Serve Those Who Serve


The WVARSE provides a variety of benefits to help our members in their everyday lives.

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