WVARSE is seeking someone to fill the position of Membership Clerk!
If you are a member of WVARSE and are familiar and skilled in working with the Access program, you are the person we need! Here is a list of duties the WVARSE Membership Clerk must accomplish.
Duties of the Membership Clerk:
- Becomes familiar with the Membership Program and becomes proficient with the operation of said program.
- Receives all memberships, records payments and sends membership card to member.
- Alphabetizes members by county and digitally stores records.
- Notifies each county membership clerk of all members received by any source (Newsletter, Direct Mail, the Executive Director, email from AMBA, the AMBA insurance program and STRIPE). Provides membership information and a voucher for county dues within one (1) month of receipt of said information.
- Prepares and presents (in person) a written report at all state meetings.
- Deposits money received for memberships and provides documentation to the Treasurer.
- Works with the State Membership Chair to promote membership.
- Works with County Membership Chairs to promote accurate county and state membership records.
- Works with the Executive Director to order and deliver membership materials.
- Provides each county with a membership list by June 1 and any other time as requested by the county.
- Provides a thumb drive of member information to the Executive Director each month.
- Assists with any other matters assigned by the President and the Board.
There is a stipend for performing these duties and an allowance for office supplies. If you are interested, please submit a written resume to WVARSE Executive Director, Bill Milam (williammilam.bm@gmail.com) by February 17, 2025.