2024-2025 Goals
State Goals
- That WVARSE will promote legislation to continue and maintain the quality of PEIA coverage, without increases in premiums, copays or reduction in benefits.
- That WVARSE will promote legislation to increase the pension of those who retired 20 or more years ago by two dollars per month per year of service.
- That WVARSE will support legislation to provide a Cost-of-Living-Adjustment or COLA for state pensions starting with a COLA for those 80 and above with at least 20 years of service.
- That WVARSE will support AARP efforts at the legislature.
National Goals
WVARSE proposes that Congress:
- Increase funding for Social Security by eliminating the cap on earnings taxed Increase funding to Medicare
- Add coverage in Medicare for Optical, Dental, and Hearing Aids
- Allow Medicare to fully negotiate prescription drug prices